Children’s One Day Course at ENTCS

Children’s One Day Course at ENTCS

Ailidh Fraser-Medcalf (11) from Edinburgh found a voucher for the Children’s One Day Cookery Course in her Christmas stocking – all the way from relatives in Australia!  Ailidh loves food and trying different styles but so far has left the cooking to Mum and Dad.  That could be about to change – here’s what Ailidh […]

Game for a Change

Game for a Change

August sees the start of grouse shooting which heralds a series of wild game seasons from now until February that will give us a more varied selection of meats to set our culinary juices running. Not only are grouse, venison, hare, partridge and pheasant tasty cuts, but they have the added advantage that they are […]

One Month Certificate Course

One Month Certificate Course

Leaving school is an exciting time for young people.  I know many who have their heart set on university and a few years studying and enjoying student life.  For others, it is the chance to start a dream career. Given the constraints on student loans (and parents’ wallets!), earning money through holidays or while studying […]

Planning Your Kitchen

Planning Your Kitchen

As a professional chef, I am often asked what people should think about when planning the layout and storage within their kitchen.  Obviously, while the kitchen is the hub of any home, it’s for cooking, so thinking through the process and needs you have when preparing meals will enable you to design a layout that […]

Spice Up Your Social Life

Spice Up Your Social Life

Entertaining is such a social activity and there can be few things more satisfying than cooking a first-class meal for friends and relaxing with them to share it and enjoy the conversation.  These are the things of which special memories are made. Witness the popularity of television shows such as Come Dine with Me, Saturday […]

Technical Challenge!

Technical Challenge!

Like millions of others I love watching Great British Bake Off every week and it is interesting to watch the contestants from a professional point of view. Not just as someone who has written a book on all aspects of baking, but also as a teacher. I have one big beef with the format though. […]

Press or Advertising Enquiries

For any press or advertising enquiries please contact Alex Glynne-Percy at Pagoda Public Relations on 0131 556 0770