7 Ways to Support Local Business

7 ways to support local business

So many of our favourite local businesses are suffering immensely due to the current situation 😥 However, it remains absolutely critical that we stay home to help curb the spread of the virus 🏠 That’s why we decided to share 7 simple steps to support local business without setting foot outside!


  1. React to their post 👍😆❤️

A lot of businesses are now posting more than ever and sharing their knowledge to support their communities. Make sure to like their latest update and if it struck a particular emotion, express it by clicking the love❤️, haha 😆 or wow 😲 button!


  1. Comment something nice 💭✒️

Why not take it to another level and leave a comment underneath as well? If you have answers to what’s posted, questions of your own or simply want to spread the love, don’t be shy and drop a comment. Even a few words make a huge difference!


  1. Share their post 😍➡️

If you really enjoyed a post from your favourite coffee place, chances are your friends will too! You never know how your share will impact the lives of your connections, even if it’s just a quick laugh to brighten their day. Spreading useful information this way is very important, too.


  1. Post a photo 📸🖼️

Were you ecstatic after your latest visit to the hairdresser? Or you simply can’t stop thinking about that perfect pasta you had with your loved one at that restaurant in January? Share it now to show your support! You can post it to your wall and tag them or send it to them in a private message. This way, they may share it with their audience (with your consent!) and showcase their hard work.


  1. Leave a review ⭐💌

Remember that time you went to a lovely wee bistro after your friends recommended it? Hearing from someone who experienced the product or service makes it so much easier for us to make a decision and it helps businesses tremendously. Studies show that we’re more likely to leave a bad review. It’s time to twist the statistics and spread positivity. If you stayed at a hotel you loved or took a very useful course, share your review with others. This is definitely one of the best ways to support local business.


  1. Postpone, don’t cancel ⏳🗓️

This one you’ve probably heard about quite a lot in the past few weeks but it doesn’t hurt to repeat it. The trip you were so excited about can still happen, it might just be much later. And I’m sure a wedding you so carefully planned is still the wedding of your dreams, even if it’s a different date. So many things can be postponed and it might actually save you a lot of work if you simply wait until it’s safe to go ahead with your plans again.


  1. Buy a gift voucher 🎁🎫

It’s tough to celebrate birthdays or anniversaries in these strange times but the need to share your love with your friends and family is still there. If you know your loved one dreams of a spa day or a gin tasting, consider giving them a voucher. Most businesses are offering vouchers which you can simply buy online. And if they don’t, just drop them an email and check how this can be done other way.


Even a little bit of kindness goes a long way during this challenging time. 😊 Help us spread the support by sharing this post.🙏 We truly believe we’re in this together and by raising each other up, we will come out of this stronger and even more connected ❤️