Although we’re still not sure when we’ll be able to reopen, we’ve been working hard behind the scenes to be prepared for when it happens. We’ve been considering many options and it’s time to share some of our safety measures.
Have a look at some steps that we’re taking to ensure everyone remains healthy and safe during our courses in the post-pandemic reality. If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out to us in the comment section below or via email.
✅ Asking all customers to confirm that they do not have any symptoms associated with COVID-19 the day before the class. We will be taking people’s temperature on arrival with an IR camera and will also ask them to use the hand sanitiser provided at the same time.
✅ Contactless registration
✅ Making sure the chairs are spaced 2m apart for the introduction.Â
✅ Regular hand washing throughout the day and Healthcare grade gel stations throughout the building. At present the advice would be to ensure everyone wears face masks – this may change as it may not be practical.
✅ Reducing the number of people in the kitchen to 8 with one teacher and converting our demonstration room into a flexible space with mobile workbenches, hobs and ovens to accommodate another 8.
✅ Putting sneeze screens between the tables or turning the tables around so that people are all looking in the same directions and not at each other.
✅ Serving lunch in the dining room for one group and the demonstration room for the other to allow social distancing. Any food that might have been served buffet style will now be plated. Coffee, tea, wine or beer will be poured out and delivered to each person.
✅ Preparing food will be done individually unless people are coming as a pair from one household and want to work together.
✅ All areas cleaned regularly to Healthcare standards.
The list is of course not exhaustive as we’re working on many more solutions to protect the health and safety of our customers and staff. It may change depending on government guidelines. If you have any questions, please comment below and we’ll be happy to provide as much information as we can.
Good morning
Can you please confirm if face masks are to be worn during cooking courses.
Wearing glasses would prevent me from booking due to the glasses steaming up.
I am interested in the two weeks course.
Kind Regards
Good morning Gary,
The masks can be worn at your own discretion but it’s not a requirement as we understand how difficult it is to cook with them, especially for hours at a time. We introduced in between workspaces for that reason in hopes of minimising the risk and providing a safer, boxed in work area for all of our attendees.
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Many thanks,